When they open at 7.30 am and take number... The guy told me I have to retake my photo because my fringe is covering my forehead..So...OKay....Take photo...The photo booth guy said hair must put at the back of my ear..so fine....Luckily I am quite satisfied for how I look like (not including the pimples on my forehead *sigh*)
When I went back to take my number..the guy said my IC should photostat it in 1 page...so I go lorh...
My dad and bro already finished their procedure already..
So because I am 18 years of age..I need to retake a number and wait for my turn..which I waited around half and hour...
but the procedure was quite fast though..
and I managed to collect my Passport around 11 something..but while we waited..we walked to the SKYPark Airport ( Terminal 3) to search for food and to view the aeroplanes and helicopter...
Here are the pics
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